Human Development

Presently, there are countless who are seeking spiritual answers to many of their problems. Due to Covid and poverty, many children are missing out on good education. Online courses are unaffordable for many. Divine Will Foundation (Canada) supports like-minded organizations that provide free spiritual knowledge and online education for the uplift of society.

“Human excellence will blossom only when the relationship and balance between the physical and spiritual aspects is intimately established.”
— Sathya Sai Baba

Materialistic life has not quenched the longing for inner peace and stability. Today’s world has become highly volatile and unstable. In all this uncertainty people are looking for answers in spirituality, answers that satisfy the longing of their soul, answers that promote truth, right conduct, peace, non-violence and love.

The links below provide free spiritual and secular knowledge that address the universal needs to attain inner peace and educational knowledge. Students from anywhere in the world wishing to study or brush up on academic subjects can visit our “Gurukulam – Academics’ website by clicking on the link below.

Institute of Human Values


Sai Prakashana


Sathya Sai Grama


Gurukulam - Ancient Wisdom


Gurukulam - Academics


The right kind of education that teaches both science of material world and spirituality of the eternal Divine Self, is Indian Gurukulam System of Education.

-Sri Madhusudan Sai